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    minimum expectations: applied knowledge and expertise in skills / tools ? cloud server ? backend development ? code documentation ? python ? machine learning/ deep learning ? JavaScript professional experience ? built, documented, maintained backend for mobile / web product companies ? 5-7 years in backend engineering / development responsibilities held ? product development collaborator, python developer, team manager, project manager ? collaborated with product managers, designers, and business teams to define product features ? managerial experience: led a team of at least 3 junior backend developers for 2 years ? analysed, made and presented sprint performance reports for the entire team work ethics: inspiring initiative taker, passionate problem solver, process driven documenter, lead by example as a senior member/ leader ? coordinate with front end mobile team to facilitate APIs ? take responsibility for delivering on time and ability to judge the scope of work ? build and work on Data Science, Machine Learning, Augmented Intelligence ? develop and test product features within sprint cycles ? able to take a design/ proposal and carry it through to a thoughtful and polished end-result with good test coverage ? building and architecting backend frameworks and components ? helping to keep the codebase maintainable, extensible and well-tested ? implement standards and practices to improve and maintain code quality ? focus on developing and improving systems (e.g. machine learning)


    • Python

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