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IT Admin

Manjula Dharmalingam, co-founder of Springboks Consulting and founder of Harbinger Consulting Solutions has over 2 decades of industry experience in Technology, Business, Training and Human Resources that includes, setting up and managing enterprises. She has worked with organizations such as IBM, Airtel in the domain of telecom, Oil & Gas Sector and in the field of Software Development, Process Optimization and Program Delivery. Manjula is passionate about empowering professionals, women and youth force. Her USP is to create “Measurable Business Results using simplified approach”. As a team, they empowered 5000+ professional to grow themselves and their organization using measurable results. Some of the partial clients and professionals are from top IT, BFSI, Retail Corporates in India. As part of women empowerment, she started WOW- World of Women forum as a small initiative towards making women financially independent. “Her Second Innings” is an extension of this work, a platform for women from all walks of life to connect online. She serves as an expert panel member for Procademia, an Online Students Knowledge Portal. She was a distinguished speaker at Computer Society of India, Women Leadership Summit, Ministry of Statistics (India Government) and PMI Chapters.   Carving Sustainable PM Career for Future! In a turbulent market conditions, when the organizations are expecting magic performance from project management professionals and professionals are stumbling to find the right career path for Project Management... Here is the solution to “Make IT Real” This session would assist professionals to look beyond certification to empower them as a subject matter experts and leaders where organizations would love to retain every employee as a valuable asset in the organization! With same synergy, it is an opportunity for organization to achieve business results through every employee in a simplified approach! This simple magic worked with many corporate and 5000+ professionals so far! We believe the same magic will work for you and your organization as well. All it requires open mind and zeal to achieve!

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When Life Comes Knocking…

Knock Knock ! ‘’Who’s it’’? I asked in a forlorn tone. It was just another day with the mundane routine..

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Goal Planning Tips

Having worked in an IT Company, I think I was eternally involved in the activity of Planning and Setting up..

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Financially Stable and How?

Growing up in a nuclear family and having only an elder sister, tilted the dynamics of an ideal Indian household..

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Alternate Career Options for…

When you consider alternate career options it may not always be the 9-5 regular shift you have been slogging at..

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Society – Career Comeback…

“ SOCIETY”-------- The word is a derivation of the French word societe,

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Being Overlooked for Promotion?

 “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good,

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Be Aware Of Your…

How many times have you heard your Manager tell you, “You are too emotional”

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Sisterhood @ Work

“One woman can make a difference, but together we can rock the world’’ – Anonymous.

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5 Vows All Ladies…

You are the bearer of life, you are the embodiment of compassion, you are

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How to Stay Motivated…

You’ve finally done it. You’ve decided to take a break from your career.

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