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LinkedIn Mastery Program for HSI Community Members
An exclusive session to enable you all to discover and device your professional identity and achieve brilliance through LinkedIn

LinkedIn Mastery Program for DNI Community Members

About this Event

LinkedIn Mastery Program for HSI Community Members

We are thrilled to announce an exclusive opportunity with LinkedIn for our valuable members of our returnship programs!


Be a part of our return ship/training cohorts and gain access to specialized support from the LinkedIn team through a 3 month free program spearheaded by our partner and industry expert in the field Ramya Sampath, Head of India Partner Engineering @ LinkedIn.

Who should attend this event

  • DNI community members
  • Anyone currently enrolled in any program offered by The Nex tInnings
  • Women on a career break seeking to upskill and restart their careers
  • Career driven women professionals

Who should attend this event

  • DNI community members
  • Anyone currently enrolled in any program offered by The Nex tInnings
  • Women on a career break seeking to upskill and restart their careers
  • Career driven women professionals

Meet the Speakers (LinkedIn)

Ramya Sampath

  • Head of India Partner Engineering @ LinkedIn
  • Women In Tech India Lead
  • APAC Families @ LinkedIn Co-Lead
  • CSPA Technical Steering Committee Member


Workshops and resources to help you with your job search

Special support from the Linkedin team

Access to LinkedIn premium for 6 months

A chance to be part of an exclusive cohort to accelerate your career journey

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