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HERoines: Mentorwalk June 2024
A special workshop to assist you in each and every step of creating and achieving your goals for a fulfilling year ahead.

Mentor walk 2024

About this Event

HERoines: Mentorwalk June 2024

Her Second Innings Team is incredibly proud to invite you to our annual Mentor-connect event on June 7, 2024!

Following this year’s theme of “Inspire Inclusion”, we hope to inspire our community of women to discover more opportunities for career growth and development through mentorship with our powerful industry leaders across various domains.

Through our event, we provide a safe space for our community members to connect with exceptional industry leaders across different tracks for mentorship related to career restarts, career progression, work-related experiences, and more. In addition to mentorship, it is a great opportunity to meet other women professionals and grow your network.

Date:   June  2024
Location : Online Event
Ticket Price : FREE

Streams available:
Data Engineering
Data Analyst
Full Stack Java
Data Science
CYBER security


UI/UX development

BA/Digital Marketing
Finance Backend
Human Resources

Who should attend this event

  • Women on a career break looking to restart their career.
  • Any woman professional at any stage of her career looking to advance their career.
  • Those looking for career support and mentorship from industry professionals.
  • Any woman who wants to build meaningful professional connections.

Who should attend this event

  • Women on a career break looking to restart their career.
  • Any woman professional at any stage of her career looking to advance their career.
  • Those looking for career support and mentorship from industry professionals.
  • Any woman who wants to build meaningful professional connections.

Meet the Speakers (LinkedIn)


Chance to interact and talk to mentors across various fields

Gain insider information from industry leaders

Opportunity to build your professional network

Confidence boost to take your career to the next level

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