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    Location : Bangalore, Pune,Hyderabad, Noida,Mumbai,Gugaon
    -17+ years of experience in building large-scale, high-volume, low latency, high availability, and complex distributed services.?
    -A hands-on solution architect who has delivered at least 7-9 large-scale projects from ground zero. 
    Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field 
    -Worked on Java language Java 8 and above, having used concurrency, multithreaded models, blocking/non-blocking IO, lambdas, streams, generics, advance libraries, algorithm, and data structures.
     ?-Delivered solutions in a polyglot environment having worked with alternative programming language and frameworks.
     ?-Extensive experience with database modeling, normalization, caching solution, database selection, performance in a containerized/ multi-cloud multi-region environment.
     ?-extensively used Springboot/ Spring cloud or similar frameworks to deliver complex scalable solution for APIs, Microservices and /or data processing.
     ?-used build and Automation tools, Code Quality Plugins, CI/CD Pipelines and ?Containerization platforms (Docker/Kubernetes) ?used logging and Monitoring solutions like Splunk, ELK, Grafana etc. and implement ?technical KPIs. ?extensively used application profiling tools like jProfiler, Yourkit, Visual VM etc. 
    ?Platforms & Cloud Services ?Successful delivered solutions using one of the cloud platforms e.g., AWS/GCP/Azure/ PCF 
    ?-integrated with messaging platform e.g., RabbitMQ/ Kafka/ cloud messaging/ enterprise messaging 


    • Java8
    • Cloud technologies
    • messaging plaftorms

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