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  • Job description

    IBM\\\'s Tech Re-Entry program develops talented technical professionals who are looking to restart their careers after an absence from the workforce of two years or more. This paid 12-week internship enables participants to work on projects that match their expertise, interests, and abilities and could lead to full-time employment. In the same way, an internship offers a guided period of exploration, the IBM Tech Re-entry internship program provides participants with an opportunity to update their skills in a work environment that may have significantly changed since their last experience. Interns will have access to the latest tools and technologies available and work alongside a multi-disciplinary team of engineers and business professionals to hone their expertise and focus on the next generation of software. The program will also provide the opportunity to experience the breadth of IBM resources while developing new relationships. Design and craft pixel-perfect interfaces with a high attention to detail Practice a highly efficient, iterative design process Brainstorm and prototype information architecture; including navigational solutions for flexible, dense layouts Expand upon existing template designs, UI components, and style guidelines Design with an awareness and understanding of browser sizes, device capabilities, and product functionality Deliver UI prototypes, mockups, and detailed design specifications Understand and design with web standards and UI/UX best practices Create mockups with consideration of product lifecycle from requirements to prototypes to launch Work closely with your developers to ensure your designs are built to your specifications Negotiate and articulate your design decisions thoughtfully with an openness to feedback Understand and use team feedback to inform and improve your designs


    • UI/UX

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