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  • Job description

    Overall Sitecore and .net experience 12+ years
    Mandatory Sitecore experience Minimum 8 years.
    Proven experience as a Sitecore Architect or in a similar role with extensive knowledge of Sitecore.
    Sitecore Developer Certification 9.1 minimum.
    Strong proficiency in .NET, C#, ASP.NET, and related technologies.
    Experience with Sitecore Experience Manager (XM) and Sitecore Version 10.1(+).
    Familiarity with Sitecore related modules (e.g., Sitecore CLI, Sitecore Analytics, Profiling, Segmentation, Sitecore Marketing Automation) is a plus.
    Knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks (e.g., React, Angular) is desirable.
    Experience with cloud platforms (Azure) and CI/CD practices.
    Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
    Excellent communication and collaboration skills.


    • Sitecore Architect, .Net
    • C#
    • ASP.net, Azure, CI/CD

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